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“Join for Free, Save Money,
and Help Your Favorite Charity”
Become A Charity Donor Member
You can help your favorite Charity by registering them with the Community Partnership Program as a Charity Member. Joining is free and your Charity will benefit by having its own personalized community online store that they not only receive profit sharing from, but you receive discounts and savings on a vast range of products by shopping at the store.
Monthly Profit Sharing of up to 50% of the profit from store sales will be paid to your favorite charity to help it raise money and help our fellow Americans.
The Community Partnership Program
The Right Program, At the Right Time!
"Empowering our community groups, through monthly profit sharing & fundraising programs"
Register Your Community
Group Now For Free!
Charity Partner Membership
Become A Community Associate Today!
"Make Money, While Giving Back & Helping Others"
Getting Started, Is Easy As 1-2-3
"The Community Partnership Program is
designed to produce a "Sustainable" revenue stream for its
Community Partners, while providing savings to their members on
products & services"
Community Partnership Program
Copyright © 2002 - 2017 American Community Organization of Companies. All Rights Reserved.
The Community Partnership Program, LLC